Luna Blue

For as long as I can remember I have always loved the moon. It has fascinated me in so many ways. As children we would all think the moon was following us on car rides at night. But my imagination always took me further. Growing up I watched a show called Sailor Moon, although I knew... Continue Reading →

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On the 28th of May 2018 I had to say goodbye to a family member of mine. Her name was Sweetie and she was my first pet. I have never felt this kind of pain before. Sweetie loved cheese and chin scratches. Every morning she would sit on the bench and eat breakfast with mum.Sweetie... Continue Reading →

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T’is the Season

The holiday season is coming. I don't think I know anyone, that is as excited as I am! The end of the year is where I feel like I flourish the most. Halloween and Christmas are such exciting times for me because, it means I get to throw parties, dress up and decorate my house!... Continue Reading →


Life is full of so many ups and downs. I have officially had this blog for a year now and I'm honestly disappointed with how many posts I've actually made. I've written and deleted so many posts because I'm not happy with them. 2017 was a big year for me, I went back to uni,... Continue Reading →

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